The day has arrived for our early evening photo shoot— destination, Cheat Pond. We meet at Brandy’s house, her partner Chris joins us this time and we all head south down State Route 250 then turn off on a well-maintained dirt road. Winding through forests and wilderness, we cover about 15 miles without passing a single house. Finally, when I’m thinking we must be nearly in Kentucky, Brandy abruptly stops. There it is, Cheat Pond, not large but placid, a perfect circle, edged on one side with slender cattails. 

Doors open and kids pour out. Chris reaches into their trunk and pulls out tiny fishing rods for the six-year-old twins, Remington and Winchester and with rods in hand, they run pell-mell for the shoreline and begin casting off. Cheat Pond, it appears, is a favorite destination for this family. I ask Chris if it’s okay to let Simba out thinking how some parents are nervous about big dogs around their kids. 

“Turn ‘em loose!” He replies promptly. I opened the Jeep door and a groggy Simba stumbles out. Chris chuckles, “Ah, he’s an old boy.” 

Little Cricket, the youngest runs down the hill dressed in baby dungarees, a plaid shirt and just bare feet. 

“It don’t bother him,” said Brandy. “Not sharp stones or gravel. He’s always barefoot.” 

Then Simba plunges into the water and little Cricket screams with delight. The fishing poles are tossed aside and the boys begin throwing sticks in the water for Simba to catch. Sticks are flying in every direction.

“Da-own, da-own! Put them sticks da-own!” the parents take turns hollering.

All three boys are having a great time running through the water in their new school sneakers.

“Hey! Don’t get them shoes wet!” Chris yells. Too late. The fishing expedition is in shambles but nobody seems to mind. Chris and Brandy pose for portraits while the kids continued romping with Simba.

Soon, the sun edges down, the light grows dim, the kids are all soaked. We call it a day.